Name: Reynold Philippe Date: 02/03/2013 Message: Greetings Brothers and Sisters, Bellwood Star Lodge# 269, Nov, 1993 Name: thomas orrick reid pm 88 Date: 12/08/2012 Message: great web site freternal greetings from scotland lodge 88 Name: Past Master Willie E. Bowman Date: 10/25/2012 Message: Greetings to my Illinois Brethren and siSTARS! I bring you greetings from the show me state of Missouri. I enjoyed visiting your site. Keep up the Pillars that we were taught to lean on! Fraternally Submitted, Most Humble Servant PM Willie E. Bowman Name: WM Al Simmons Date: 09/26/2012 Message: Greeting Officers, PM and Brothers from Valentine Lodge 147 F&AM PHA in the Great State of Florida Where I hail in the East. I emailed some information to you guys, enjoyed the site. Worshipful Master Al Simmons Thanks Name: Bro.Marc Hayes Oriental Lodge # 68 Date: 07/10/2012 Message: Hello to all the Brothers of Harmony Lodge #88 and Kudos for websites great website your light is truly shinning. Name: Victor Rodriguez- Oriental #68 Date: 05/20/2012 Message: Good day brothers, just browsing and decided to check in on your site. Travel Light!!! Name: Bro. Jason Gilliam Stone City #35 Date: 03/28/2012 Message: just stopping thru as I check the site, whuch is good by the way Name: Chris Robinson Date: 02/19/2012 Message: Seeking new home please call me at 773-294-3893. Name: Tony Clark Date: 02/14/2012 Message: Greetings Brothers from Jackson Lodge #72. Jackson, Tennessee. Name: Tracy Armstrong Date: 02/05/2012 Message: I am looking for a contact person for Pride of Harmony #144. I am a past member, wishing to transfer membership. If anyone has ANY contact information of the lodge PLEASE let me know. Thanks! or 8152182926 |